XenoSkin B NS - Frozen Single Bovine Nail Sheet

25 mm disk
Frozen ex vivo Bovine Nail Sheet disk for in vitro skin permeation tests, absorption or penetration safety studies of chemicals, agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics or biocides and pesticides according to OECD 428, COLIPA, SCCP. XenoSkin B NS discs are also used for selecting drug candidates for dermal application, characterization of topical dosage forms, quality assessment, selecting a suitable transdermal vehicle. XenoSkin B NS is an optimal in vitro skin model and is full in line with 3Rs, thus replacing animal tests.
- aproved for standard health care tests for slaughterhouse animals
- time form surgery to lab < 6 hours
- mean thickness 100 +/- 20 µm
- in line with 3Rs (Reduce, Refine, Replace), replacing animal tests