Micronucleus Test MNvit for detection of Aneugens and Clastogens with FISH - Rapid Micronucleus MoA - OECD 487

100 Samples / Kit
Rapid Micronucleus MoA is a ready to use kit for the fast identification of aneugens and clastogens according to OECD 487. Cells are prepared as per standard protocols according to OECD TG 487 and the slides are sequentially treated with a series of solutions provided with the kit “Rapid Micronucleus MoA”, including a human-specific, highly sensitive centromere probe and a counterstaining solution containing DAPI (4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole). Slides are sequentially washed with PBS and an ethanol series after treatment. Centromere probes are then added to the area of interest and the slide is heated at 80°C for 3 minutes and transferred to a humidified chamber for 20 minutes. Washes and a 5-minutes counterstaining step follow prior to the addition of the mounting solution.
Using a 40× magnification objective it will be possible to easily identify micronuclei and assess whether a centromere is present. Automated reading and archiving can be obtained with the slide scanning systems, e.g. Metafer.
Slides are usually ready for evaluation within 1 hour. The application of FISH probes allows directly to distinguish micronuclei originating either from chromosome loss (aneugenic compounds) or breakage (clastogenic compounds).
FISH probe technology as used in the Rapid Micronucleus MoA Kit can also be used in chromosomal aberration tests (OECD 473), cytogenetic analysis in Research or in physical dosimetry, i.e. people exposed in medical or natural radiation.
The frequency of micronuclei has been used for many years as a biomarker to measure chromosomal damage according to guideline OECD TG487.
- 1 hour FISH Assay – fast, reliable genotoxicity assessment
- High specificity – no false positive results due to RNA, low-density micronuclei, precipitates, cytoplasmic alterations
- Ready to use kit including pan-centromeric probes, DAPI and reagents
- Simultaneous DAPI Counterstain
- Fast, clear identification of mode of action: Aneugens or Clastogens
- FISH staining of centromeres is recommended in OECD TG487
- Can be used for Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, environmental samples
- For all human cells and whole blood