Ames II

10 Sample Kit when tested in 2 strains (TA98, TAMix) ,+/- S9, 3 Replicates, 6 Doses, Positive & Negative Controls: Strains, Media, Ampicillin. Not included in the kit: Rat liver S9, Controls. Not included in the kit: S9 cofactor solutions, microplates
Ames II is a miniaturized, ready to use Ames Test kit in a liquid microplate format. It includes all reagents necessary to run 10 samples with strains TA98 and TAMix (Mix of TA7001, TA7002, TA7003, TA7004, TA7005, TA7006): 10 vials each of frozen TA98, TAMix, plus Growth -, Exposure -, Reversion Indicator Media, Ampicillin. The kit does not contain Positive Controls, lyophilized Post-Mitochondrial Supernatant S9. Not included in the kit are plastic ware and S9 Cofactor solutions.
Published data about several tested compounds with this liquid microplate Ames Test are available under Database or Publications on this homepage.
The kits are quality controlled and do not need an inhouse quality control (phenotypes) like the traditional agar plate assay.
Service analytics for early drug discovery with test compound of 11 mg / strain (+/- S9) with the Ames II or Ames MPF assay system is available as well under GLP and non GLP conditions, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
- Quality controlled products: all products of the kit
- Certificate of Analysis: Provided
- Excel Calculation Sheet to support Data Interpretation
- Comparison with agar late test: Corresponds to 2 x 480 agar plates.
- Enough Material to process Strains individually
- Shipped on dry ice from external Storage in Germany
- High sensitivity and excellent correlation with agar plate test (see database and publications on this homepage)
- 4 times less test compound as compared to the agar plate test
- Less hands-on-time and simultaneous processing of several replicates
- Automation available - High throughput format
- 3Rs - 12 fold less consumption of rat liver liver S9, less test animals
- Less error prone due to easy colorimetric read-out
- Waste - Significant less plastic waste and thus reduced contaminated waste in environment