Molecular Products and Services

Ames MPF Penta 2 - 10 Sample Kit






5 x 480 Measuring Points: 10 Samples in 5 Strains (TA98, TA100, TA1535, TA1537, E.coli WP2 uvrA[pKM101]) if tested in 3 Replicates, 6 Dilutions, +/- 1254 Aroclor-induced S9, Negative and Positive Controls. Not included in the kit: S9 cofactor solutions, microplates


Ready to use kit including 10 vials each of semisolid TA98, TA100, TA1535, TA1537, E.coli WP2 uvrA[pKM101], Booster, Growth -, Exposure -, Reversion Indicator Media, Positive Controls, Post-Mitochondrial Supernatant S9 from lyophilized Aroclor 1254 induced rat liver.


  • Quality controlled reagents: Strains, S9, media, positive controls - no inhouse quality control, no sterility control necessary   
  • Certificate of Analysis is provided
  • Excel Calculation Sheet to support data interpretation
  • Number of tests corresponds to 5 x 480 agar plates.
  • Standardized procedure
  • Enough material to process strains individually
  • Shipped at room temperature from external storage in Germany or from Switzerland
  • High sensitivity and excellent correlation with agar plate test (see referenced publications)
  • 4 times less test compound as compared to the agar plate test
  • Less hands-on-time and simultaneous processing of several replicates
  • Automation available - high throughput
  • 3Rs - 12 fold less consumption of rat liver liver S9, significant less test animals sacrificed
  • Less error prone due to easy colorimetric read-out
  • Waste - Significant less plastic waste and thus reduced contaminated waste in environment